Thursday, December 23, 2010

Empowering: Ms taken

What is it?
This Ms taken ring is a fake engagement ring packed in a key chain. Whenever women feel like they want to be commited without the actual comittment, they can put on the ring and be Ms Taken.

Why it’s cool?
Every woman should decide who she wants to talk to (and get her flirt on with) and who she doesn't. The easy-on, easy-off Ms. Taken ring is perfect for any situation. It’s empowering for women and gives them more control on certain situations. Back in the days in Ethiopia I used to have a fake engagement ring, I think this will be a practical and empowering tool for a lot of women.

Monday, December 20, 2010

The digital story of the nativity

How social media, web and mobile tell the story of the Nativity.
Christmas story told through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Wikipedia, Google Maps, GMail, Foursquare, Amazon...

Times change, the feeling remains the same.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Black out sleep mask

What is it?
Made from contoured foam covered in a smooth satin fabric, this sleep mask molds around your eyes to block out nearly all light—even in an unfortunately bright bedroom.

Why it’s cool?
This sleep mask doesn’t only give you a batman-look, it also will cover your eyes completely. A sleep mask is a neccesairy tool foor career and business women, and you won’t find a better one. 

Friday, December 3, 2010

Bottle opening Ipod case

What is it?
The iBottle Opener is a hard shell slider case for your iPhone that doubles as a bottle opener.

Why it’s cool?
That's right - you can protect your iPhone AND open beer bottles with the same beautiful piece of technology. With the iBottle Opener, the party's always in your pocket... and by party, I mean the ibottle opener. This tool will make men love their iPhone even more.